Tag: build22
when domestic problems are part of scrum
in LiveLope: Camille, what’s the problem with *words-lost-in-air* Me: oh, the database! something went wrong with port 85 when I… Lope: no, wait, wait, we’re talking about the bathroom! Me: oh shit.
Building Save 22: design: constantly changing, slowly improving
in LiveBuilding Save 22: design: constantly changing, slowly improving build22: above: a rough draft of the Save22 portal, back in October 2012 above: the Save22 portal today Today we released a small update to Save22.com.ph / Save22.com.sg — the headers. There are a lot of other things that we’re still working on, thinking about, discussing, experimenting…
It’s too early for work and coffee hasn’t kicked in
in Live*lobby calls* Ron: are we expecting a guy named J? Everyone: huh? No. Ron: *on the phone* no, we’re not expecting anybody. Lope: do you want me to go and check? Ron: ok. Three minutes later — Ron: Oh. My bad. It’s the SEO guy
just a normal conversation at work
in LiveRon: Lope you missed out on some fun code merge otherwise your day would be even better Lope: wait, wdym by code merge? Me: THERE ARE SNACKS AGAIN IN THE KITCHEN! BANANAS Ray: thanks for the update, camille :D