Author: camille
Evil by Design: Paying for Coursera Specializations – courses are no longer free
in DesignAround 3 months ago, I signed up for some classes on Coursera, some of which are going to start this month. Remembering this, I decided to check online to calendar them. I logged in on Coursera and saw that they had a redesign! Everything looked more professional. But when I checked the course that I…
Where to Start Doing Data-Driven Design
in DesignData. Big Data. Data-driven. Trending buzz-words in the recent years, and as a designer I’ve heard, read, and witnessed how important data is in making decisions based data. Meanwhile, in reality a lot of companies are still making decisions based on what the CEO or client likes. Based on my experience working with a couple of…
Snapshots – Week 5
in LiveI originally wanted to go to the Singapore Night Festival activities last night but it was so crowded I felt like I was sweating buckets in my skirt. Haha. It ended up being a night photo walk instead, as a test run for my LG G4.
Almost a week with an LG G4
in TinkerI’ve been pretty content with Android since switching to a Xiaomi Redmi Note late November last year. Material Design is pleasing to the eyes, so it’s still refreshing to get an Android design point of view when using apps (with the benefit of still getting familiarized with Android patterns). I still miss the iPhone camera and…
Break the Pattern
in PonderI’ve been working on some work-life balance recently, and been experimenting on some things to become more productive. One of the things I’m trying out is outlining a schedule for myself every day, making a kind of general task list of when to do things. I forgot which article I’ve read some months ago (and…
Value of My Work and My Value as a Human Person
in PonderI’ve shifted through different jobs in the past few years. Even so, it has never been a breeze to price my work and my hours. I have done freelance work in the past, but I was never a hundred percent confident that I wasn’t undervaluing my work or that I wasn’t over estimating the work…