
  • Disney heroes

    Disney heroes

    Always, that knight in shining armour that would defend me like this — whenever I watch things like this, I always wish. That someone should have done that for me, and that nobody did…  I feel like I’m still looking. 

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  • Better, better, better

    Better, better, better

    Tying up some lose ends in work. Stay firm in saying ‘no’ to projects for a while, until I get my shit together. Have a little faith in myself. Relax and enjoy Taipei. My sessions have been very helpful, I’d like to believe. I’m told I will continue to struggle with some things but I…

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  • Visitors are just numbers

    Visitors are just numbers

    This blog has Google Analytics and according to it, 70.90% of the visitors are returning visitors. I wonder who you all are, and I’m a little paranoid over what the stats say because I hardly even load this blog aside from what I see on my dashboard. 

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  • Untitled post 2704

    A message from C sent at 3AM (forwarded from my old phone, that’s why the time there says 7am). It’s so nice to wake up knowing you are loved. 

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  • Over alcohol

    Over alcohol

    Night out with Jaime and C. Interesting conversations over alcohol. And Jaime is so cute. :)) I’ve always been a bit hesitant to order Tequila Sunrise because of EPIC at Boracay (their drinks are always too strong for me, or not the perfect mix). But I had three at Bahay ni Juan tonight. So. :P  C’s confidence…is…

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  • Untitled post 2713
  • Untitled post 2716

    Mother and father.

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  • Soldier On

    Soldier On

    I don’t really have nine lives but every time something in my life goes wrong, I want to push a Restart button, live a wholly different life. Sometimes I wonder, if at another breaking point, I will make a chance to leave everything behind. I did it once, but had to go back. I’m still…

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  • never too old for a make-up sleepover

    never too old for a make-up sleepover

    so my highschool friends and I waited until AFTER COLLEGE (or at least until the point where we’re graduating) before doing a whole girly sleepover. Complete with nail-painting AND make-up. WHATUP. it’s the first time we did this, haha, I am amazed!

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