Year: 2022

  • Cursed


    Two relationships and I’m cursed with a bad fate of hating one of my partner’s closest friends. Being treated in a similar manner (and then some) like I was treated over ten years ago unfortunately is still unforgivable in my book. There’s some overlap in what they both did: being spurned, shrugged off, ignored, and…

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  • Yes


    “Will you marry me?” The first time I was asked this question, I thought, ‘How do other people know?’ How do they know they want to spend the rest of their life with one other person? How do they know that out of a billion other people in the world, their partner is “the one?”…

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  • I’m old

    I’m old

    Tiredness these days: Lasts longer Creeps faster Is a weariness that drips into my bones And sleeping in on a weekend isn’t enough for a cure That’s how I know I’m in my 30’s.

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  • How we broke up

    How we broke up

    I never actually wrote about how any of my romantic relationships ended, mostly due to the near-decade of trying to get over the friendships that did. Friendship-over’s were more traumatic and romantic endings were less so. Our end happened gradually over time and was more predictable than the immeasurable hurt I’ve ever felt from ex-friends.…

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