Trust yourself a little more

Recently I’ve found this great little place called “You the User.” In one of the posts entitled, “Touch,” she talks about trusting our own feelings because at one point, after we start out, little voices of doubt would creep in our mind telling us we are wrong. Every time we are disappointed or experience setbacks in life, the voices become louder. She continues:

But we have to stick to our perceptions and to our feelings. That is where experience, philosophy, and self-refinement come in: we know that we have accomplished things, we know that we can coordinate what we perceive with established principles, and we trust that our beings are finely tuned enough to accurately feel what is around us. **What we do in life is up to us and will not be known all at once.** Therefore, we have to feel our way along, little by little, building the vision to know what we are individually meant to do. We can’t let doubt interfere with our touch. We have to trust our touch.

And this is to remind myself to trust my feelings a little more. I will take time because everyone does at their own pace. I have to ignore the pressure and the voices no matter how loud they become. I have to listen to myself. “I’ll be great!” One day I will do brilliant things, help people, and become happy. It will happen.



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