Category: Work

  • front-end to server-side workflow

    front-end to server-side workflow

    There’s a different workflow for everybody so I’m wondering what other people’s workflow are when it comes to doing front-end and then server-side. I would usually: code the base template in PHP (so I have separate header / footer / and content pages. If I need specific body classes, I just write up functions quickly).…

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  • SublimeText2, LESS css, and Bootstrap

    SublimeText2, LESS css, and Bootstrap

    I’ve finally managed to figure out how to download/set up Sublime Text 2 Packages, via the Package Control plugin, and oh man it is awesome. To be honest, I’m not sure how I got it working because I was trying it out yesterday and couldn’t figure it out at all (is it just a timing thing…

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  • responsive design and client pitches

    responsive design and client pitches

    Right now, I’m testing out waters with a potential client who is requiring me to submit PSDs of 4 different resolutions (mobile phone, tablet, “medium” desktop, wide-screen desktop) and I’m taking around four hours just trying to design for 1 resolution of 1 specific screen. How I would do it, personally: Design wireframes for the…

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  • wordpress codes: advanced custom fields and grouping select repeater fields

    wordpress codes: advanced custom fields and grouping select repeater fields

    Here’s an example of a repeater field on WordPress: Basically, I wanted the page to render the service names under the similarly-labeled service labels. My brain isn’t very good with the whole PHP logic thing, so I got the internet to help me out. I adapted this original response on StackOverflow and edited it to…

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