Nintendo needs to up its UX game
in DesignI recently bought a Nintendo 3DS XL (add my friend-code if you have one! 0232-7880-2450) — primarily because I wanted to play Pokemon (yes) but also because I’m tired of the ‘Western’ games of the iPad. I mean, they’re fun and addicting, but you don’t always get a cute story like that of Okamiden (Chibiterasu IS…
wordpress codes: advanced custom fields and grouping select repeater fields
in WorkHere’s an example of a repeater field on WordPress: Basically, I wanted the page to render the service names under the similarly-labeled service labels. My brain isn’t very good with the whole PHP logic thing, so I got the internet to help me out. I adapted this original response on StackOverflow and edited it to…
just a normal conversation at work
in LiveRon: Lope you missed out on some fun code merge otherwise your day would be even better Lope: wait, wdym by code merge? Me: THERE ARE SNACKS AGAIN IN THE KITCHEN! BANANAS Ray: thanks for the update, camille :D
sick. what’s new?
in LiveI’ve been sick the past few days, as I’ve pretty much forced myself to socialize during the weekend (went to my cousin’s baby boy’s birthday party and then another friend’s birthday party) I haven’t really been resting. I also got myself a 3DS so I’ve just been playing Pokemon on my bed when I’m at…
because every new year is just another year of learning to move on
in PonderYour life has been profoundly shaken by these recent revelations. It’s not your task to immediately forgive those who shook you. Your spoken desire to forgive the woman who betrayed you is in opposition to what you feel. Forgiveness forces an impossible internal face-off between you and a woman you hate. Acceptance asks only that…
That’s called being human
in ReadEmotionally healthy people sometimes behave badly. They lose their tempers, say things they either shouldn’t have said or could have said better, and occasionally allow their hurt, fear, or anger to compel them to act in inappropriate, unkind ways. They eventually acknowledge this and make amends. They are imperfect, but essentially capable of discerning which…
Wanting to leave is enough
in ReadYou are not a terrible person for wanting to break up with someone you love. You don’t need a reason to leave. Wanting to leave is enough. Leaving doesn’t mean you’re incapable of real love or that you’ll never love anyone else again. It doesn’t mean you’re morally bankrupt or psychologically demented or a nymphomaniac.…
in ReadAccept that the man you love was unfaithful to you. Accept that a woman you once held in regard treated you with disrespect. Accept that their actions hurt you deeply. Accept that this experience taught you something you didn’t want to know. Accept that sorrow and strife are part of even a joyful life. Accept…