• Untitled post 2586

    Holy shit. The new mobile app designs by @sosheepster looks pretty damn awesome. — Jeremy Foo (@echoz) September 4, 2012 It’s the little things that motivate you. It feels like I’m finally doing something right.

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  • Sometimes you’re not qualified enough to tell them the truth. 

    Sometimes you’re not qualified enough to tell them the truth. 

    Sometimes you’re not qualified enough to tell them the truth. /breathe 

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  • Untitled post 2588

    Just when I had to force myself to not feel bothered by recent college org reunion photos (over someone’s birthday party) this morning, I coincidentally chat up Lles and Dan (about Dan’s love life, no less), and it made me feel better.  Bothered because it felt weird seeing some people that affected me so much…

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  • stand-up mornings

    stand-up mornings

    I usually get to work by 7.30am (or earlier if I’m done showering before 5.45am), which works well for me because I’ve proven I’m morning person. By the time everyone is up, we have this thing wherein everyone will share what they’ve accomplished the day before, and what they’re going to finish for the rest…

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  • “The highest form of love is that which you give to someone who will never be able to repay you.”

    “The highest form of love is that which you give to someone who will never be able to repay you.”

    A friend posted that on his wall, and it was significant for me because earlier that day I saw this post. A person you respect affirms your greatest enemy — that’s something. Day by day I get less bothered by it — the idea of her ‘success’ in some way, and I feel that yeah,…

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  • two hours from makati

    two hours from makati

    Met up with James briefly last night before we both went home (we live in the same area). We took a bus (the last time I rode one was for my immersion in January 2011) and the air con was in full blast; it was cold and they were playing boring movies. Ayala to Cubao…

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  • App review: Sketch

    App review: Sketch

    I’ve been using Sketch for high (enough) fidelity mock-ups and wireframes on the retina MBP and right now I feel that:  $30 is still a bit too expensive (even on a Sale price) for the current features of this app $50 (full price) is just not worth it Although of course, I’m mostly willing to…

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  • Synching my Foursquare with Google Calendar

    I’ve only recently been using Foursquare mainly because I wanted to keep my own personal log of what I’ve been doing or where I’ve been going every day. It’s not very easy to get an overview of it with the app, so using an IFTTT recipe, I managed to sync it with one of my…

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  • App splurge: Sketch

    App splurge: Sketch

    I bought Sketch, which was on sale for almost $30. It’s originally $50. Can’t wait to try out CSS and Grids with this! Plus, another retina-friendly app. Not bad but oh god, that’s also Php 1.6k less money, haha.  I seriously need to go on needs-only mode. So far I’ve successfully kept myself from shopping…

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