Tag: end of a year start of a year

  • Ode to past endings

    Ode to past endings

    In the past I’ve sometimes done a summary of the year that was: 2023: this is my chance to revive this old tradition of reflecting about the past year. This has been at the back of my mind since our holiday trip a few weeks ago, but I’ve been enjoying doing nothing. Technically, too busy…

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  • 29 in 2019

    29 in 2019

    One thing remained consistent from the moment I turned 20 until I crossed 29: I never felt truly adult. I am an adult now by virtue of age, but there’s so much I haven’t done that in many ways I feel like I’m still not old enough. I’m quite convinced that it’s either the height…

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  • A brief look at 2014 and a late welcome to 2015

    A brief look at 2014 and a late welcome to 2015

    (After Victor published his blog post, I forced myself to finish writing this, too. Thanks Victor!! :P) This post is a bit late, but I feel that 2014 deserves a dedicated post to help me recount where I am in life now; what my previous goals were for the last year, and what I have…

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  • 2012


    1. Employed by 3 different companies and eventually settled down with one. 2. Traveled. 3. Loved.

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  • 2011: That Unfortunate but Hopeful Year

    2011: That Unfortunate but Hopeful Year

    I guess I consider this my public timeline for 2011 with the memories that I could be more fond of. 2011: I have mixed feelings towards you. You have been a year of regrets, realizations, mistakes, anger, hate, and disappointments. I could have done without you. But there had been opportunities, moments of hope, newfound…

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  • New Hair (and The Best and Worst of 2011)

    New Hair (and The Best and Worst of 2011)

    This is going to be one of the (possibly many) pre-2012 posts (and the first) that I will be making before the year ends. This is also an attempt to use internet memes on my personal life, but I may get it wrong (which is why I’m just posting it here and not on 9Gag!) You…

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  • Sort-of-resolution


    To late things! “I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you’ll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you’ll make something that didn’t exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly…

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