I guess there will always be some things I’ll feel bad about, guilty over, but despite the wrongness of it — of clinging onto the strings of hate, I just can’t let go of these feelings. Not yet. I can’t because I don’t understand how anybody could be friends with him after everything he blamed on me, after all the things I heard from an alumni, after he maliciously spread things like how I supposedly wanted to have a threesome with you and her. I can accept his apology, since you insisted that it was sincere, but that doesn’t make me trust him any more than I can trust a dog who bit me.
It will make you sad in maybe a similar way as to how I’m sad (I have no other words…regretful, yes. Miserable, a little. Sorry…that, too, but really, just sad most of all) that there will always be these people (or at the very least, him) that I consider to be a thorn in the middle of something I’d consider almost perfect.
It’s unfortunate, and I feel so so sorry.
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