Author: camille

  • Dashboards


    I’ve been working on dashboards. Not very often, but I’ve had a few projects, and I usually start out feeling lost and confused about where to start. I recently signed up at to check out their responsive-making tools and was greeted with this pretty simple dashboard. Damn, I really need to work on my…

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  • Why SMART’s “re-design” of the User Accounts page has a horrible UI

    Why SMART’s “re-design” of the User Accounts page has a horrible UI

    C asked me how I liked the new design of SMART’s User Account Page, and I said it was pretty bad. It was one of those examples of “style over function” because even if it looks neater than the old version, my experience as a customer was worse than before. I only ever log in…

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  • There is time for other things

    There is time for other things

    I’m not practicing my Chinese lessons enough. (Not even consistently.) I managed to make time to swim a few days a week with C, as some kind of exercise. Twice last week (could have been more if C and I didn’t get sick), but I’m targeting at least three days of swimming this week. That…

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  • Supporting IE8 with Foundation by ZURB

    Supporting IE8 with Foundation by ZURB

    Since I’m using Foundation 4 for Save22, and they’ve pulled the plug on IE8 (and lower) support, here are some incredibly useful codes on Git that you’ll probably need if you want it to work properly in IE. Just note that without these fixes, IE8 will render the website’s mobile layout instead of the desktop…

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  • Resource sharing: a Design Basics module

    Resource sharing: a Design Basics module

    This is a quickly-gathered list of topics and links to give a simple overview and some foundation of design. I originally shared this with my teammates, but I’m putting it here for anyone who might want to check the list out. (This may not be the best list out there, but it is a quick…

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  • the zero (or negative) height problem of elements inside an initially hidden container

    the zero (or negative) height problem of elements inside an initially hidden container

    phew, that was a long title. But it took me a while to figure out too. basically, I was working on creating a grid with list elements having the same height. I had done this before on Save22’s older version, and had made a function for it: function same_height(container) { var items_height = []; $(container).each(function()…

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  • you know change is permanent

    you know change is permanent

    I was thinking about this Saturday. How do I feel about it, really? Am I ready? Will I ever be ready? I still feel uncomfortable just thinking about them. But it is merely discomfort now: just recognising the fact that the way I see them (or things) have changed, and I can’t just revert myself…

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  • A Doctor Who Party

    A Doctor Who Party

    I’m not used to planning surprise parties and OH MAN it is one of those more stressful/paranoid-inducing things a person can experience. Emile and I had our “HE-KNOWS!!!” moments, but C was so overwhelmed by the surprise that it was just so worth it. It was C’s birthday last Thursday (11th) and I thought of maybe…

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  • bootstrap: two toggle buttons on the nav bar

    bootstrap: two toggle buttons on the nav bar

    Problem: Both menus on the mobile version collapses when the buttons are pressed. You only want one menu to unfold at a time.  Found a fix here: Modified the code a bit: var navbar = $(‘.navbar’); navbar.on(‘click’, ‘[data-toggle=”collapse”]’, function(event){ var $target = $($(this).data(‘target’)); if(!$target.hasClass(‘in’)) $(‘.container .in’).removeClass(‘in’).height(0); })

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