Tag: worky worky
in LiveHoly shit. The new mobile app designs by @sosheepster looks pretty damn awesome. — Jeremy Foo (@echoz) September 4, 2012 It’s the little things that motivate you. It feels like I’m finally doing something right.
stand-up mornings
in LiveI usually get to work by 7.30am (or earlier if I’m done showering before 5.45am), which works well for me because I’ve proven I’m morning person. By the time everyone is up, we have this thing wherein everyone will share what they’ve accomplished the day before, and what they’re going to finish for the rest…
and the list is still growing
in LiveI’ve been keeping track of this project using Wunderlist since I sent the mocks and now I know I’ve been working on it (since pre-contract signing) for 48 days now, and I’m still adding stuff to the list (mostly to do with codes I have to fix). There are some design details I want to…
workflow with an iPad
in LiveI’ve downloaded two coding apps for the iPad today (Textastic and Koder). That’s around Php670 in total, which leaves me around Php330 or $7.80 of app allowance to spend for the rest of August (a limit I put on myself). Within the next few weeks, I’m going to try experimenting with my workflow a little.…
in LiveI miss C in between minutes of the day: in between tasks at work, moments of boredom, moments of sleepiness. He doesn’t reply to my texts often; he’s in Laguna and busy (or tired) from a shoot. It’s alright (I understand), but the waiting and anxiety drags me down to idleness (can’t focus on a…
Better with two
in LiveYesterday I was sick and every time I tried to go to nap, the client would call so I gave up trying. (He wanted me to do the littlest things like rename shop stocks and add descriptions and rename WordPress posts it’s not even funny. I didn’t really have a contract to prevent it from…
Decisions can be a bitch
in Livebut they can be the right thing too. Hereon it may be a little tougher to reach my goals, but I have confidence in myself too.
Disappointment at work is exponential
in LiveThe entry I wrote at 4am? It just got worse (way worse) at work today. I don’t know how long I can take it. Clear now, what I want to do.