Tag: worky worky

  • responsive design and client pitches

    responsive design and client pitches

    Right now, I’m testing out waters with a potential client who is requiring me to submit PSDs of 4 different resolutions (mobile phone, tablet, “medium” desktop, wide-screen desktop) and I’m taking around four hours just trying to design for 1 resolution of 1 specific screen. How I would do it, personally: Design wireframes for the…

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  • on insecurities and growth

    on insecurities and growth

    I was sharing with C how I felt very insecure about “not being popular enough” last year, and feeling unappreciated in the more seemingly “designer / artist circles.” That, perhaps, feeling overshadowed by other designers/artists made me feel pretty useless. In comparison, I feel like my own set of skills could be appreciated more in…

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  • Building Save 22: design: constantly changing, slowly improving

    Building Save 22: design: constantly changing, slowly improving

    Building Save 22: design: constantly changing, slowly improving build22: above: a rough draft of the Save22 portal, back in October 2012 above: the Save22 portal today Today we released a small update to Save22.com.ph / Save22.com.sg — the headers. There are a lot of other things that we’re still working on, thinking about, discussing, experimenting…

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  • It’s too early for work and coffee hasn’t kicked in

    It’s too early for work and coffee hasn’t kicked in

    *lobby calls* Ron: are we expecting a guy named J? Everyone: huh? No. Ron: *on the phone* no, we’re not expecting anybody. Lope: do you want me to go and check? Ron: ok. Three minutes later — Ron: Oh. My bad. It’s the SEO guy

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  • wordpress codes: advanced custom fields and grouping select repeater fields

    wordpress codes: advanced custom fields and grouping select repeater fields

    Here’s an example of a repeater field on WordPress: Basically, I wanted the page to render the service names under the similarly-labeled service labels. My brain isn’t very good with the whole PHP logic thing, so I got the internet to help me out. I adapted this original response on StackOverflow and edited it to…

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  • video portfolio on wordpress (from semi-scratch)

    video portfolio on wordpress (from semi-scratch)

    I’ll be making a longer blog post about this eventually, but I’m just listing down some significant resources I’ve been using these past few days:  WordPress – I don’t have time to learn a different CMS right now, and my client is comfortable and familiar enough with this. Time saved is currently worth it. Foundation…

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  • Better, better, better

    Better, better, better

    Tying up some lose ends in work. Stay firm in saying ‘no’ to projects for a while, until I get my shit together. Have a little faith in myself. Relax and enjoy Taipei. My sessions have been very helpful, I’d like to believe. I’m told I will continue to struggle with some things but I…

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  • Love/hate relationship with Pixelmator and Sketch (where is Retina support for Adobe!?)

    Love/hate relationship with Pixelmator and Sketch (where is Retina support for Adobe!?)

    Because designing with Adobe on my retina MBP is a pain in the eyes (all those pixels, gahh!) I’m trying to replace my workflow with Pixelmator and Sketch. Unfortunately, it’s not too easy because: (1) Designing for, say, 1144px on Pixelmator makes the canvas look as small as this:  I’m not sure if I’m being…

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  • Untitled post 2578

    Keith Robinsons reframes UX: In essence, if you’re building a product for use, everyone involved is a UX person. I do think it’s good to have someone who “owns” UX, and as you grow, someone who’s focused on bringing it all together. What you don’t want is a “specialist” that defines their work by the deliverables…

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