today in a list

  1. got new lenses for a pair of eye glasses I bought on sale in Taipei. the lens themselves cost Php3k. I have such bad eyes. 
  2. I never tire of watching Justice League or Batman movies with C. Batman is my favorite in almost (if not all) of them. 
  3. I’ve been telling C how I’ve been slowly losing interest in what used to be “work.” and there are many factors that come into play such as: horrible clients, loss of inspiration, discouragement, and a Pandora’s box of personal issues. and that I want to go back to school, maybe around 2014. that, or I work anywhere but (here). 
  4. C will start giving me “homework” (maybe starting january) and I think this is a splendid idea. I think I would ask this of other people as well, just to help myself. 
  5. well, 2013 should sound more exciting. 
  6. i am no longer on instagram and i feel much, much better. 


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