Yesterday early-afternoon I went to the Asian Civilizations Museum (ACM) to catch the 2pm English tour (I’m still an art student, ok! So I was genuinely interested and I’ve been looking forward to visiting ever since! I left early when I first dropped by two days ago because I missed the English tour). AND I DISCOVERED THE MOST AMAZING THING. STUDENTS CAN GO INSIDE FOR FREE. It originally would cost me five bucks so the word ‘FREE’ just sent my heart into a flutter.
I went there alone because other people had things to do or classes to attend and I didn’t know many who are interested in museums. But it was okay because I could go in my own pace. I know I’m going to go back to the museum a lot of times. I JUST KNOW IT. One day wasn’t enough. I wasn’t even able to explore the whole building yet–all the exhibits and galleries–so that just proves how often I’ll be going back here. And it’s just perfect because I’m taking a visual arts class (unless it does come in conflict with another subject) and our topic next week would be Buddha (I think). It’s easy going there: from PGP, I took the bus to Buona Vista, hopped on the MRT there, and then went down Raffles Station, took Exit H, and then just crossed the bridge and VIOLA.
I was able to go around the area more this time. It was so cloudy I was afraid the rain would start pouring. I ended up getting chased under my umbrella by a little drizzle by the end of the afternoon but I was lucky it didn’t really rain hard. The pictures aren’t at their best though.

I tried to look for Chinatown but I couldn’t find it, haha. I ended up going around this place full of bars but I guess it’s prettier there at night. I think it’s at the Circular Road. I saw an Irish bar, and then other themed bars, and another bar that had a Victorian motif. There was a sign in front of one of the bars that said they served Absolut vodka for S$98. The prices are crazy!

I got back at around 6pm, visited Mimi in her room at around 6.30pm, and then made an impromptu plan to go to Clarke Quay haha. I was a bit jealous because I knew some people who had plans that night and I didn’t want to stay in the dorms while everyone else was out doing something fun. :( And Mimi seemed like she wanted to go to that place too. I posted a message on Facebook about our plans but only Shine-oppa said he’d follow. :D
It was funny because at first Mimi and I didn’t know where we were going to go. We followed this bunch of people crossing the road but apparently most of them crossed just to get to the restaurant at the other side. HAHAHA. Eventually we found the huge “CLARKE QUAY” sign that for some reason we missed.

It was a great time to be out because it was so windy! I absolutely loved the weather. There were so many couples along the bank of the river hahahaha. I wanted to take sneaky shots of them but Mimi was asking me why I was doing that. Haha, it’s only because we were single people. We wanted to sit on the bank too so we did but it was like there was a couple on my right and another couple on Mimi’s left.

I should have a tripod too. :(
Mimi and I were being silly taking pictures of each other, exchanging cameras, hehe. Here’s a picture she took of me:

Shine-oppa met us there AND HE WAS SO NICE! He’s been in Singapore for a few years already so that meant he’s been to Clarke Quay too (unlike Mimi and I) but he still toured us around!
I was the only one who haven’t eaten dinner so we went to the food court in the Central and I bought the oh-so-famous laksa. This is very important because (1) I NEVER FINISH A WHOLE BOWL OF FOOD and (2) what was not spicy for Oppa and for Mimi was spicy for me. I ended up (1) feeling extremely full and (2) finding the laksa spicy spicy. Oppa treated both of us guyabano juice (but I don’t know what they call guyabano in Singapore, and Oppa didn’t know what the fruit was because they didn’t have guyabano in Korea. I only realized it was guyabano after tasting it). Which was real nice because we didn’t even ask for drinks or anything. :)
So we just went around Clarke Quay afterward. Apparently it’s the place where young people go out (to drink or attend clubs), couples have fancy dates, and groups of friends to just have fun together. Oppa said Wednesday was Ladies’ Night so Mimi and I could get something free, I think. I just don’t know what (maybe free drinks, after paying for entrance or something). But it would be fun to go back. :D
We went home at around 10.30 pm so we could still catch a bus. We didn’t want to take a taxi since even if Mimi and I shared the $12, it’s still $6! Almost P200! No! I was already happy with my night anyway. I’ll go back here to practice taking night pictures, too. And maybe I really should invest in a small, handy tripod.
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