Author: camille
A List of Windows Phone Apps I Could Use
in LiveEver since C bought his Lumia 520, I’ve been justifying to myself why I wouldn’t mind switching to a W8 Phone. It’s like selling an idea to yourself, hahahaha. So I helped him (or myself) find a list of pretty Windows 8 apps that could be useful and/or fun to have: First the official apps…
Lumia 520
in LiveI want to get a Windows 8 Phone. I really do. C just bought the cheap Lumia 520 (it cost 7k in Greenhills) and it’s really cute (the plastic looks better than Samsung’s stupid silver borders on the S4). I used the phone for a bit and decided that like the Windows UI more than Android’s…
Chinese class, last day
in LiveToday is my last day of Chinese 1 class at the Ateneo Confucius school. Even if my team epically failed the final activity this afternoon, it was still fun. I think I’ve learned a lot: I just need to practice more. I’m not so sure yet if I’m going to enrol in Chinese 2 in…
Tooltips and Popovers not working on Bootstrap
in LiveFor a while I couldn’t make Bootstrap tooltips and popovers work. I had all the necessary js and css files, with the right js code. Been googling the issue and found this ticket: Tooltips custom selectors does not seem to work. I’m not using custom selectors, but for some reason I just couldn’t make the…
All I really wanted to do was to build stuff
in LiveSo I was cleaning up one of my domains today and decided to check out one of my old projects: ZAGGER. It’s a CMS I made for my friends’ original table-top game. I was really proud of it when I started coding it in 2011, since it was my own way of learning some PHP+mySQL…
Manila sidewalks
in LiveWalking from my office to C’s — sidewalks are narrow and everything is not very pedestrian-friendly. But like Ron says, you get used to the concrete, the smells, the puddles, the urban decay. First is the odd smell of the creek. There is a tiny karenderia right beside the creek (is it a creek, really? There’s…
The secret to being more
in Read“The secret to a good life,” he told me once, “is to bring your A game to everything you do. Even if all you’re doing is taking out the garbage, you do that with excellence.“ – We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, Karen Joy Fowler Sometimes I want to be more. But isn’t this it?…
in LiveAs the public sphere encroaches and overruns the private sphere, it is necessarily harder to experiment with new tastes, opinions and beliefs, and to settle on certain ones, because the entire process is more transparent for observation and judgment. These things—devices like Google Glass, which give us immediate access to the web, and social networks,…