Category: Live
in LiveAs the public sphere encroaches and overruns the private sphere, it is necessarily harder to experiment with new tastes, opinions and beliefs, and to settle on certain ones, because the entire process is more transparent for observation and judgment. These things—devices like Google Glass, which give us immediate access to the web, and social networks,…
There is time for other things
in LiveI’m not practicing my Chinese lessons enough. (Not even consistently.) I managed to make time to swim a few days a week with C, as some kind of exercise. Twice last week (could have been more if C and I didn’t get sick), but I’m targeting at least three days of swimming this week. That…
A Doctor Who Party
in LiveI’m not used to planning surprise parties and OH MAN it is one of those more stressful/paranoid-inducing things a person can experience. Emile and I had our “HE-KNOWS!!!” moments, but C was so overwhelmed by the surprise that it was just so worth it. It was C’s birthday last Thursday (11th) and I thought of maybe…
Short talk on Usability and UI Design for Web and Mobile for Google DevFestWPH — and a summary of all my talks so far
in LiveI was invited to speak a non-technical talk on Usability and UI Design for Web and Mobile earlier today. I still suck at public speaking and I think next time I do this, I need to chug a grande cup of Starbucks for some much-needed hyper-inducing sugar. I also realised I am not fun or funny…
when domestic problems are part of scrum
in LiveLope: Camille, what’s the problem with *words-lost-in-air* Me: oh, the database! something went wrong with port 85 when I… Lope: no, wait, wait, we’re talking about the bathroom! Me: oh shit.
because Fire Emblem: Awakening is coming soon
in LiveMe: So I was playing this English-patched, fan-translated, Fire Emblem game from 2010, and I was comparing it to the Awakening demo. And well, the new one coming up has a better story; the older one was too linear and step-by-step — C: wait, stop. Me: huh? what is it? C: look at you, talking…
Building Save 22: design: constantly changing, slowly improving
in LiveBuilding Save 22: design: constantly changing, slowly improving build22: above: a rough draft of the Save22 portal, back in October 2012 above: the Save22 portal today Today we released a small update to / — the headers. There are a lot of other things that we’re still working on, thinking about, discussing, experimenting…