I wonder what other people feel like when they wake up on the 1st of January. Or if they have expectations for the morning? Half of me feels like nothing’s changed but half of me also feels a bit hopeful knowing that 2011 is over, curse it (haha) and 2012 is a blank slate for something new. (Except maybe I still feel so tired and a bit sick with colds so it’s not the best morning ever.)
I wasn’t really able to accomplish all my resolutions that I wrote in January of 2011. Some of it had something to do with loving with all my heart, and I guess romantically that worked out. But the list also involved getting over fears, and I haven’t successfully tackled that bear yet.
So for 2012 I’ve decided not to list resolutions — not exactly — but goals, because I can’t promise to fulfill all of them but I’m determined to work harder this year. I’ve been working hard most of my life and I know the best things in life don’t come for free. I’ve always done my best to achieve things and if 2012 is going to be a more exciting and fantastic year, it means I have to put in more effort than I did last year. Sounds good, yeah?

Goals for 2012
(in no particular order)
- Experience new things and go to new (and old) places with C
- Become more active in different communities I want to be involved in (WebGeekPH, Usability Philippines, and other groups I could join), attend more events
- Meet more people and continue making new friends :) (somehow related to #2, but may go beyond that)
- Collaborate with other people on a project (at least 1)
- Travel to at least 2 different countries
- Finish redesigning/redoing LearnLab (my undergraduate thesis)
- Blog more on OhRocketsheep.com
- Illustrate a children’s book
- Write, write, write! Find a “voice” for Where Sheep Goes.
- Learn to make an iPhone/iPad app (i.e. make my first iPhone/iPad app)
- Make a web app/site using a PHP framework (I have 2 projects planned already), not so sure what framework yet
- Learn to use APIs
- Make my planner interesting throughout the year (by not being lazy to doodle and such)
- Start drawing again
- Redo my portfolio
- Be less sad, become happier than I was in 2011
- Stop expecting the worst to happen so I can be less stressed in general
- Learn about forgiveness
- Learn to bake raisin bread
- Become an inspiration to somebody
Hopefully, by the end of 2012, I’ll be a better designer and a budding developer (yes!). I know it’s a bit of a long list and it’s only the first day of January. I’ve started some of them last year although most of the items in the list I have to start doing as soon as I can (like today!).
Maybe it’s because it’s a new morning. Or maybe it’s because it’s just the new year. Or maybe because I turned 22 on the 22nd of December so I feel like my 22nd year should be luckier than the last. Whatever the reason, I’m all hyped up and ready to make a positively unforgettable year happen.
What are your goals for the new year? :)
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