There’s never a dull moment when I’m with C, and yesterday was no different. I dropped by his office again for a bit, bringing with me some sushi and cake from Gail’s birthday yesterday. Apparently, he’s not much of a cake person either, so RV (his officemate) ended up eating half the slice, and the other half we put in the fridge. The three of us watched The Wilderness Downtown, which has always been a great inspiration for me, and it made more sense to me when I got to watch it the second time, but with C’s US address. It’s a combination of film and web interactivity, which is just brilliant.
After work, we decided to walk around to find someplace to eat dinner. It was raining so we went back to get an umbrella that works without having to open it :P Basically, it just stopped raining after we got it. We had a silly time faking a British accent, having a jolly time walking at the sidewalk, laughing and just enjoying avoiding puddles, and trying to decide where to eat supper. We ended up at Galleria and into this fake “Korean” restaurant:

It was a classic case of false advertising! :P The food looked okay in the photos, but they ended up tasting bland, weird, and altogether not Korean. I’ve been craving for the Korean pancake ever since I got to taste it when I ate with Shine-Oppa and my other friends in Singapore, but sadly what I ordered wasn’t even remotely close in taste and texture as the one I had there last year. They only served two side-dishes too. Kogi, Kogi is better! After this, I think I may have to lay off with all this Korean food craving for a while, until C and I get to eat at some reputable Korean restaurant. Like that eat-all-you-can one that C was talking about before. HMMMM. I’d really, really love to go there one of these days.

I missed that nice Korean restaurant in Singapore so much that I told C, “Let’s go to Singapore, and eat at this Korean restaurant in Chinatown!” He laughed, saying there was something definitely wrong with that sentence. Tell me you got the joke. :P
Despite the weird food, we ended up feeling pretty full, and decided to walk around the mall for a bit. C brought me to the P85-Japanese shop, Saizen. I didn’t want to buy stationary at P85 (feels overpriced), but I ended up buying one of those icing containers with various tips, so I could decorate cupcakes better! The shop distracted us long enough until it was time to get a cab and go home.

Before C took me home, I asked him to take an outfit pic for me. Nyaha. The black top and shorts I haven’t worn in a long time and the long-sleeved purple, floral top I found in my mom’s closet. I consider myself very lucky that my mom’s clothes fit me most of the time. :P When I haven’t gone shopping in ages (and I really haven’t for some time now, ever since Bangkok), I just look for something in her closet that I haven’t worn, and it feels like I’m wearing new clothes! Ha!
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