Category: Live

  • Hocus Focus

    Hocus Focus

    I’m in a stump. I need to change my thesis topic according to my thesis advisor and the 10-page proposal paper is due this Wednesday. To top it off, I’m sick with colds and trying to survive past a slight fever. I just got SIMS for MAC but I haven’t installed it yet because I…

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  • Lost some “innocence” but not an ounce of clumsiness

    Lost some “innocence” but not an ounce of clumsiness

    Compared to freshman college, I can ride with “green” jokes now, having learned a lot from friends, hahahaha. Not in an offending way, but yeah, for jokes and hirit and stuff like that. Despite this, I am just as clumsy as I was back then. NOT EVEN FOUR YEARS HAVE CURED ME OF THIS. Yesterday…

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  • Seattle’s Best has Moulin Rouge on its playlist

    Seattle’s Best has Moulin Rouge on its playlist

    I’m at Seattle’s Best again. I should be studying for our Flash quiz tomorrow but eh, it’s cold and I’m thinking of too many things. I got hungry earlier (I really should stop eating just “rabbit food” a.k.a salad for lunch) and thought I can do thesis/study here, but in the end all I did…

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  • When is Mother’s Day?

    When is Mother’s Day?

    Since my long-term memory is malfunctioning, I can’t remember when exactly Mother’s Day is. But I know it’s in May. I love my mom; we’ve never gotten into a serious mother-daughter fight. Actually, despite my tendencies to lean towards rebellion, disobedience, and dishonesty, I’m still a pretty-obedient kid. Or maybe my mom and I just…

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  • If I won’t have a career in design…

    If I won’t have a career in design…

    Lately I’ve started to consider other options for my future. Assuming I have one, well. I’m so insecure about my poor design skills; I think I’ve been left behind by even more talented people so in the possibility that I fail in trying to get into the design/creative/ad industry, I’ve decided that I could instead…

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  • AdStrat project over!

    AdStrat project over!

    Finally, our AdStrat presentation is done! We had our weakness but I think the prof liked our idea anyway. Which makes me excited because maybe advertising will actually be fun, if you’re working with the right people. My group mates are just awesome (except for one guy who was stupid enough to plagiarize his part…

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  • Stop!motion


    I’m editing a simple stop-motion for Island Creamery as part of our advertising project in AdStrat class. But it’s just REALLY simple. Not even something quite as good as this: Still, I’d like to do a bit more of stop motion with some friends when I get back. It’s not as easy as it looks…

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  • Man can live on bread alone

    Man can live on bread alone

    …and bubble milk tea. I just had two glasses of that today. I think that’s enough for the whole week. I don’t know how long I’ll last with just…bread. Bread is the easiest way of cutting down on money I spend for food. I just eat bread for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then I eat…

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  • Ambeth and buko pie

    Ambeth and buko pie

    The Singapore Art Museum (SAM) is the only place where you can get Ambeth Ocampo and buko pie at the same time. As sir Ambeth’s former student (I took Philippine/Rizal history under him last semester), I had been anticipating Ambeth Ocampo’s talk on Jose Rizal (and no, I didn’t realize they’ll be serving food–which eventually…

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