Tag: what I wore today

  • What I Wore Yesterday

    What I Wore Yesterday

    This is  a very self-centered vanity post. Consider yourself warned. Since I haven’t been regularly blogging, here’s a backlog of some outfits since January:

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  • Conquering orals with style

    Conquering orals with style

    It really is cold again now so I wore this cozy thrifted jacket that I so love, love, love. The sleeves were just so nice and the texture so comfy, and I’m sure I’ve blogged about this jacket before. It doesn’t help that I might still have slight fever so blegh. I was planning on…

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  • Up from the sick-bed

    Up from the sick-bed

    I had an insane 39-degrees fever yesterday and ended up wasting half the day shivering and sleeping on my bed. I really hope it’s not dengue, else I should be genuinely scared for my life. This morning though, I’m feeling better. Well good enough to stay up late again to try and finish flash. I’m…

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  • Library-safe outifit

    Library-safe outifit

    My problem with the library is that if I try to stay longer inside, it just gets too cold for me. So I end up leaving after around 2 hours max, then I come back again. But if I go all dressed up for the lib (with pants, jacket, and all), going to class becomes…

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  • It’s autumn in other countries

    It’s autumn in other countries

    while the weather is just weird here. Hot in the morning, heavy rain in the afternoon, then no rain again in the evening. It’s not yet cold enough for layering, black pants and thicker jackets, so I’m stuck with pieces that can be wearable even on the hot hours of the day with a jacket…

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  • Yellow shoes

    Yellow shoes

    I’m a walking zombie today, and in an hour I know all I want to be is on my bed, but I still want to put up this post to say how much I’m loving having yellow wedges. :D Been in blues lately because of it. I’m so glad I bought the pair when I…

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