My morning started with breakfast with my mom, with whom I always have interesting breakfast conversations with, then thrift-shopping with her afterward. I drove the car (with my dad on the front seat and my mom on the backseat) and really, I’m not that bad with the wheel. Got home past lunch time (alive and in one piece, without any scratches or bumps on the car!) and then later in the afternoon, C came over to pick me up so we could go to CCP and then have dinner out after.
I just accompanied C as he submitted a copy of Back in 2007 for the Ateneo Screenings on Tuesday (watch if you can!). I remember the first time I went to CCP and Maria made me wear a black dress with a very low cut, and rather nice black heels to go with it. And I had to take off my glasses, so I was practically half-blind while talking to people trying to do marketing that night. But that was in sophomore year.
We didn’t stay too long because we planned on shopping at MOA, but we decided to pass by the bay before we left. The air reeked of food (dominantly the smell of something friend…like chicken) which made both of us hungry. We thought of snacking, but when we saw Gino and Misha (Misha’s short film, Oliver’s Apartment is also being screened at Cinemalaya, so go watch it!) and a few other familiar faces, we ended up chatting with some of them for a bit and forgetting to eat altogether.
Walking around MOA searching for the perfect bag for C may sound like a mundane task, but the amazing thing is that all the ordinary things just become extraordinary when we’re together. There is laughter in all our conversations, the right amount of teasing, a bit of seriousness, topped with the occasional cheesiness. C always mentions how things always seem to be too good to be true, because every single date or time spent together makes both of us happy. But I think, when things are too good then it can only mean they must be true, real, and sincere.
We walked around, shopped, had Mongolian dinner. It was a perfect night in itself, and I always look forward to my weekends with C. He is many of the things I look for in a guy…and more. :) He’s sweet, caring, sensitive, honest, trustworthy, talented, patient (the amount of patience he has for me is outstanding), and understanding (and he makes me feel it when he understands my situation or why I act this or that way, but doesn’t hesitate to point out a thing or two that I may not be entirely right about).

Plus, he can actually play a number of musical instruments (I’ve always wanted a guy who can play music), he can cook (he’s not a chef per se, but he can make some food. Which is, again, another item checked off in my list), he’s creative (which means we can talk about design or film and still learn isights from each other while geeking out together at the same time. But we specialize at different fields so I don’t feel insecure about my skills, heh), and we have the right amount of differences that I personally believe balances us. I’m not blind to faults (especially since I have a lot too), but the good far outweigh the bad, and I consider myself lucky. I’m glad we’re compatible when it comes to important things, and both of us have matured enough in the past few years to keep things smooth between us most of the time (basically, I’m just not the type of person who enjoys too much discord and disagreements).
My only regret tonight was forgetting to bring my camera. Which is why the photos in this post aren’t from our date. (NOTE TO SELF: STOP FORGETTING TO BRING YOUR CAMERA!!!)
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