• Seattle’s Best has Moulin Rouge on its playlist

    Seattle’s Best has Moulin Rouge on its playlist

    I’m at Seattle’s Best again. I should be studying for our Flash quiz tomorrow but eh, it’s cold and I’m thinking of too many things. I got hungry earlier (I really should stop eating just “rabbit food” a.k.a salad for lunch) and thought I can do thesis/study here, but in the end all I did…

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  • Japanese food is a necessity

    Japanese food is a necessity

    I’ve been in a depressed funk for a few months now, but I’m slowly getting over it. I want to fool myself into thinking I’m becoming mature, or maybe trying to, or maybe at least now I’m starting to hang out with more friends I don’t have to wallow in self-pity anymore. I’m basically the…

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  • Versions


    Versions is an interesting video (which was originally from his exhibition, I think) by Oliver Laric that I encourage you to watch. It presents how images are replicated over time. Seventeen Gallery: In related speculation framed by a documentary video installation that forms the second and final element of the exhibition (also titled ‘Versions’), Laric…

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  • Long ago on a night of danger and vigil

    Long ago on a night of danger and vigil

    The title of this post came from Marge Piercy’s poem, If They Come in the Night (which is also the title of the blog for now). The second stanza is particularly spot-on for me: I said, I like my life. If Ihave to give it back, if theytake it from me, let menot feel I…

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  • Stop-motion in a world of books

    Stop-motion in a world of books

    Vicky shared this stop-motion video at her blog: Wasn’t that just awesome? :D You have to also visit 25thestate.com/ and look at the production stills. It would be fantastic if I could do something amazing like this with my friends. The “stage” and everything was just…wow. The video was just so brilliantly made.

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  • Friends are made more amazing by cookies

    Friends are made more amazing by cookies

    Today is the last day for summer vacation and I spent it baking with old friends. It’s always amazing fun hanging out with them, and I know I owe them a lot! Like, I have a bad way with friends sometimes but I’m doing my best now. Even though if feels like I’m pushing this…

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  • Aesthetic frustrations over our tableware

    Aesthetic frustrations over our tableware

    I haven’t been blogging because I’ve been extremely busy over some jobs, practicing the art of watching Ally McBeal while exercising, and meeting up with friends. However, today (yesterday? last night? It just being 12.05am) is sort-of a momentous occasion for my normally rather unexciting life: I managed to cook something for dinner, with the…

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  • I remember Ally McBeal on Studio 23

    I remember Ally McBeal on Studio 23

    When my brother and I were kids, back when we weren’t allowed to watch TV on weekdays, I’ve seen commercials of Ally McBeal on Studio 23. So yesterday, when I saw the DVD set in my aunt’s house, I borrowed it. And had been watching Ally McBeal with my mom all day since. Until I…

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  • I’m a chick-lit girl

    I’m a chick-lit girl

    I’m a romantic idiot by nature (how couldn’t I be, when as a kid my constant rewatching of Disney’s Cinderella had been paving that path for me. I mean, what would you expect when a kid already knows when exactly to cover her eyes because she’s seen the cat fall to its death several times…

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